Yuengling Releasing New Cans and Packaging Designs for Lord Chesterfield Ale and Premium Beers

Posted by Chauncey Koziol on Monday, September 2, 2024
To honor its 190th Anniversary,  Yuengling is releasing brand new cans and packaging of regional favorites Premium, Premium light and beloved Lord Chesterfield Ale, one of the continuously oldest brewed beers in America.

One of America’s Oldest Brewery’s heritage beers, Lord Chesterfield has been enjoyed for 190 years and is one of Yuengling’s original creations.
The full-body hop-enhanced beer, affectionately referred to as “Chetty” by those in Pennsylvania, is a staple brew for many locals.
The new can design pays homage to this local nickname and commemorates the immense pride and support the local community has given Yuengling for 190 years.
Another Pennsylvania favorite, the new Premium and Premium Light cans/packaging harken back to Yuengling’s 190 year history conjuring a nostalgic feel many Yuengling fans associate with this regional brew.  A new look for a classic pilsner-style brew from Yuengling’s portfolio, Premium and Premium Light fans will be delighted to have a new can design to cheers to 190 years of brewing good times.
