The 2022 release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has brought back a third-person camera, a feature that the iconic military shooter series has not seen in some time. This point of view will have its naysayers, but there is definitely a portion of the MW2 community that will enjoy the new perspective. Here is how to enable third-person mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Related: How does Third-Person mode work in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2? Answered
How to turn on third-person camera in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
The only way to enable the third-person camera view in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is to play in the 3rd Person Moshpit playlist. Only in this area is outside view enabled in its game modes. Only the standard first-person shooter game modes like Team Deathmatch, Domination, and the newcomer Prisoner Rescue and Knockout modes are available.
When playing in 3rd Person Moshpit, the objectives will remain the same as in traditional Call of Duty modes. The only aspect of the game that is changing is your view switching to be behind your Operator. Even that won’t drastically stay, though, as aiming down the sights on your weapon will snap the camera to first-person so you can be more accurate with your shooting.
If you want to, you can adjust the field of view for specific third-person matches. Open up Settings and go to Graphics. Scroll down to “3rd Person Field of View” and adjust the value. Keep in mind that changing this can alter your framerate when playing this way.
Whether or not you find the third-person modes to be fun is going to be up to your personal preference. When you are in this mode, you likely will have a more challenging time while trying to see distant enemies. That being said, peeking around corners and seeing what is to the side of you will be much easier than in first person.
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John Hansen
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