Lost Ark Bonus Reward Chest Calculator

Posted by Chauncey Koziol on Monday, August 19, 2024

Completing Abyssal Dungeons, Abyssal Raids, and Legion Raids gives you a fixed rewards for every clear. Additionally, you have the option to buy a Sidereal’s Blessing Chest for gold.

But are they worth it?

Raids are the most important thing for Gold Making in Lost Ark and you don’t want to waste any gold. Use the Reward Chest Calculator to get an estimate of whether it’s worth buying the reward chests or if you should keep the raw gold.

Market Prices

Reward Chest Calculation

¹ The Chest Value assumes that you'll dismantle all accessories.
² The Chest Value assumes that you'll dismantle all Oreha's Empyriean into Greater Honor Leapstones (ratio 1:1).
³ The Chest Value assumes that you'll dismantle all Argos Blood into Greater Honor Leapstones (ratio 1:2.5).

All reward chests in Tier 3 also give one Ability Stone (except Vykas Gate 1 and Kakul-Saydon Gate 1). For 1415+ content you could get lucky and find a stone that’s worth a few 100 or even 1,000+ gold. This is not included in this calculation because the chances to get a good stone are really low.

How To Use The Calculator

The column “Chest Value” shows the total gold value of all the items you get by buying the specific chest. The calculator uses the gold values you entered under “Market Prices” above. To make the most out of this calculator you should tweak the gold numbers to your goals.

Gold Making

Do you want to maximize your gold income?

Chose Priority: Gold above. This overrides the market value of all character-bound items to 0. Additionally, the value of Guardian Stones and Destruction Stones will automatically be reduced by the market fee as it is expected that you’ll sell them.


Do you want to push this character to higher item levels?

Set the market value of all materials to the price you would buy them. You tweak this to your liking: if you wouldn’t buy e.g. Honor Shards, set them to 0. For the things you would buy, you should check Mari’s Secret Shop Calculator, too.

Dungeons With Card Packs

The reward chests of these dungeons can contain a card pack:

  • Tier 1:
    • Necromancer’s Origin
    • Hildebrandt Palace
  • Tier 2:
    • Forge of Fallen Pride
    • Alaric’s Sanctuary
  • Tier 3:
    • Oreha’s Preveza
    • Oreha’s Preveza (Hard)
    • Argos (all phases)
    • Last gate in Legion Raids (Valtan, Vykas)

The possibility to get a card pack might favor the reward chest for these dungeons for you (especially if the gold value is really close).

T3 Loot Table

For T3 content the calculator assumes that every accessory will be dismantled into:

  • 3x Guardian Stone Crystal
  • 1x Destruction Stone Crystal
  • 25x Honor Shard

If you get lucky and you get an accessory that sells for more, you’re golden. But for the calculation, we take the most likely outcome: dismantling.

Additionally, the calculator assumes that you dismantle the legendary crafting materials you get from 1370 content:

  • Each Oreha’s Empyrean into 1x Greater Honor Leapstone.
  • Each Argos Blood into 2.5x Greater Honor Leapstone.

This is the expected loot from a reward chest:

DungeonCraft. MatsAccessoriesLeapstonesDestructionGuardianShards
Argos P1514560120520
Argos P278590180680
Argos P3955120240720
Aira’s Oculus (Hard)33460120600
Oreha’s Preveza (Hard)45490180800
Aira’s Oculus2344896400
Oreha’s Preveza33472144600

For Legion Raids you can find the expected loot here: Valtan Rewards.
