How To Use the Synchro Device in Goddess of Victory: Nikke FandomSpot

Posted by Valentine Belue on Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Synchro Device is a gameplay feature in NIKKE: Goddess of Victory that allows players to artificially increase the level of several units without having to invest resources like Core Dust or Credits in them.

This feature is very useful – especially for beginner NIKKE players who don’t have that many power-up materials to go around.

The key to using the Synchro Device early on is making sure you have five SR units set as the highest-leveled or “main” units, then funneling all of your resources to them exclusively.

What is the Synchro Device For?

The Synchro Device allows you to increase the level of any unit to the level of your 5th highest-leveled Main unit.

This means that if your five highest-leveled Nikkes are Level 55, Level 54, Level 53, Level 52, and Level 51, the level of the units you’ll set on the Synchro Device will be adjusted to Level 51.

How To Use the Synchro Device (Step-By-Step)

To unlock and access the Synchro Device, you must first clear Stage 4-15 in the Campaign:

Once you clear the required stage, you can then access your Synchro Device anytime by going to your Lobby and clicking on the “Outpost” button at the bottom-left part of the screen:

Next, you will see the “Synchro Device” button on the left side of the main options in your Outpost. Click on it to proceed:

Finally, you’ll gain access to your Synchro Device page, which should look like this:

The three main things you’d want to pay attention to on the Synchro Device page are:

LegendSynchro Device Page (Highlights)Remarks
1Main Unit SlotsDisplays the five highest-leveled NIKKEs you have.
2Synchro LevelDisplays the level of the lowest-leveled unit that’s set in your Main Unit slots. This will be the level that all of your Synchro Units will be at.
3Synchro Unit SlotsDisplays all the Synchro Units you have set in your Synchro Device. They will take on the Synchro Level, which is the level of the lowest-leveled unit on your Main unit slots.

You can also remove and edit the Nikkes you have on your Synchro Unit slots.

The vacant slot a removed unit has been in will have a four-hour cooldown before it can be used again though, so be wary:

And there you go – you can now access and edit your Synchro Device whenever you want!

Tip: With the Synchro Device, you can get away with investing in five units at most. I highly recommend investing in SR units in the early game since they are easier to Limit Break than SSR units.

Once you Limit Break five SSR units enough to surpass the max-level limit of SR units (Level 160), you can then change your 5 Main units to SSR units.

Until then, using five SR units as your Main units is the best way to go.

How To Unlock More Synchro Device Slots

You can unlock up to 75 Synchro Unit slots in NIKKE: Goddess of Victory. Listed below are two methods that you can use to unlock more slots in your Synchro Device.

Method #1: Unlock Synchro Device Lessons in the Tactics Academy (Best Method)

The best – not to mention least expensive – way of acquiring new Synchro Unit slots is to unlock Synchro Device lessons in the Tactics Academy.

There are three Synchro Device lessons that you can take in the Tactics Academy:

You can unlock up to 15 Synchro Unit slots in total through this method, which isn’t bad at all considering the only other method you can use to increase your slots isn’t exactly “F2P-friendly”.

Method 2: Spend 500 Gems Per Slot

The second method is to spend 500 Gems per slot, which I don’t recommend you do – especially if you’re a F2P player.

It may be worth it if you’re a big spender and don’t mind supporting the game monetarily, but for most players, using the first method should be enough.

Don’t let that stop you from purchasing a few slots with Gems though, since not having enough slots requires you to swap Synchro Units repeatedly. This can get pretty annoying real quick!
