Although we got 18 inches of snow at Bogus Basin Monday, a water supply specialist says our snowpack levels are still not where they need to be.
Cold and wet conditions in April and the beginning of May slightly improved water supply conditions in Idaho.
"About 75 percent of our water supply comes from the mountain snowpack so it plays a really important part in terms of making sure we have water in our rivers, and streams and water for irrigation and agriculture," said Erin Whorton, Natural Resources Conservation Service hydrologist, and water supply specialist.
Even with this most recent snowstorm, peak snowpack is below normal in all basins, including in Northern Idaho.
"Peak snowpack in the Boise, Payette, and Weiser Basins range from 70 to 73 percent of normal, the Upper Snake ended up at 83 percent of normal," Whorton said.
Whorton, a water supply specialist says although the snowpacks may appear to be doing okay, the data can actually be misleading.
Taking a look at the map below, for example, it shows the upper snake basins levels are 77 and 83 percent of normal but it could be less.
"Normally our snowpack is melting and right now we are holding steady with the cold weather so it looks like we are better off than we actually are," Whorton said.
Whorton says at this point, Idahoans will have to learn how to make do with the water we have.
"Water supply is going to be limited again this summer, probably by the end of summer the reservoirs are going to be quite empty," Whorton said.
She says the water levels directly affect farmers and our food supply.
"They might choose to plant crops that don't take as long to harvest so that directly affects their bottom line."
The Natural Resources Conservation Service says water users should continue to prepare for a short irrigation season and possible cutbacks.
On Thursday the Idaho Department of Water Resources is holding a committee meeting about the May water supply from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
To view the Idaho Water Supply outlook click HERE.