The best attachments and optics for longshot kills in MW2 | Best longshot scopes and attachments in

Posted by Fernande Dalal on Friday, August 30, 2024

Call of Duty camo grinders everywhere need to rein their shots in to hunt down longshot kills in Modern Warfare 2 for some very specific camo challenges.

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As is the case with many things in MW2, the game does not specify what a longshot kill is or how to get them. Each weapon has different range requirements for a longshot kill, and there are different attachments and scopes that can help make the process less of a hassle.

Here are the distances needed for longshot kills on each weapon archetype:

  • Shotguns: 12.5m
  • Pistols: 20m
  • SMGs: 30m
  • Assault rifles: 38m
  • LMGs: 38m
  • Marksman Rifles: 38m
  • Battle Rifles: 38m
  • Sniper Rifles: 50m

Related: MW2 longshot distances: How to get longshot kills in Modern Warfare 2

Keeping this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the best optics and attachments to help with longshot kills in MW2.

Best optics for longshot kills in MW2


One of the best overall optics in the game, the AIM OP-V4 offers some of the best visibility on mid-range scopes in the game. While it offers minimal magnification, it’s a jack of all trades when it comes to weapon archetypes.

Ares Clear Shot

For those who like a longer scope, the Ares Clear Shot offers 7.0x magnification and the ability to toggle your optic for close-range encounters so you’re not completely out-matched up close. This is a scope that benefits greatly from mounting.

VLK 4.0 Optic

The classic 4.0x scope from MW 2019 and Warzone Caldera is back in MW2, and it’s one of the best when it comes to getting longshot kills online due to its 4.0x magnification, buffing range in a big way.

Schlager 3.4x

If the 4.0x is a bit too much, the Schlager 3.4x has similar advantages with a bit less magnification.

Best attachments for longshot kills in MW2

Harbinger D20 or ZLR Talon 5

In general, when firing at long range, you will need attachments that buff damage range and recoil control. Depending on which weapon you’re using, these barrel attachments will help keep your shots steady and dealing decent damage at longer ranges.

VX Pineapple or FTAC Ripper 56

Recoil control is a must, and the underbarrel attachment slot is perfect for that. Again, dependent on which weapon you’re using it on, the FTAC Ripper 56 or VX Pineapple underbarrels are great for keeping your shots steady at long distance.
