The best Elden Ring PvP builds

Posted by Valentine Belue on Monday, August 12, 2024

With the launch of the new Colessiums in Elden Ring PvP is taking on a newfound prominence in the game as more players flock to it. But, if you are looking to dominate in the three arenas, what are some of the best Elden Ring PvP builds you should be using?

Below, you can find the latest best builds for the competitive side of FromSoftware’s game. But, if you need to first find where you can battle other people our Elden Ring Colosseums locations guide should be able to point you in the right direction in Limgrave, Caelid, and Leyndell.

Elden Ring PvP builds

The top Elden Ring PvP builds currently are:

  • Bleed Build – Keen Nagakiba, Blood Blade Ash of War, Dragon Communion Seal, Bloodflame Blade Spell, Flame, Grant Me Strength, Spell, Golden Vow Spell, White Mask, Shard of Alexander and Bull Goat’s and Dragoncrest Shield and Lord of Blood’s Exultation Talismans

Bleed Build

This Bleed build comes to us from ‘Rage Gaming Videos‘ who has put together a crazy character setup revolving around the Blood Blade Ash of War which was recently buffed. This Ash of War, combined with the Keen Nagakiba can absolutely destroy bosses and enemies in PvP, filling a blood bar almost instantly.

The full build is:

  • Weapon: Keen Nagakiba
  • Ash of War: Blood Blade
  • Seal: Dragon Communion
  • Spells: Bloodflame Blade, Flame, Grant Me Strength, Golden Vow
  • Armour: White Mask
  • Talismans: Shard of Alexander, Bull Goat’s Dragoncrest Shield, Lord of Blood’s Exultation

You can see the video below which goes over just how powerful this build is and the full loadout:

YouTube Thumbnail

We are still working through other builds and trying them out in the new patch with the Colosseums so be sure to check back as we play more in the PvP arenas and figure out what works best.

With the best Elden Ring PvP builds, you can now begin trying to either climb the regular PvP leaderboards or fight enemies or your friends in the Colosseums. If you are looking for some other weapons to maybe incorporate into your build our best Elden Ring weapons guide will be able to help you out.
