The King’s Fall raid is live in Destiny 2. You and your Fireteam will have the chance to work together to assault the Taken King’s ship, taking on Oryx and removing him from your solar system. It’s a grueling battle where you and your Fireteam must work together on multiple encounters, with multiple mechanics at work every step. The real reward is earning the loot from these bosses and walking away with some excellent gear. This guide covers all weapons you can earn by completing the King’s Fall Raid in Destiny 2.
New weapon drops in King’s Fall raid in Destiny 2
You can receive a handful of exclusive weapons for completing the boss encounters in the King’s Fall raid. We captured the full King’s Fall raid loot pool when it first dropped. These are all the weapons you can receive from the King’s Fall raid.
- Smite of Merain
- Doom of Chelchis
- Zaouli’s Bane
- Midha’s Reckoning
- Defiance of Yasmin
- Qullim’s Terminus
As you work through the King’s Fall raid, these weapons will be available. You will have the chance to complete the raid as many times as you want, so long as you can learn the encounters. It is a stressful encounter throughout it, and we recommend preparing for this with your team. You may want to walk through each encounter, discussing the tactics, potential loadouts, and how to proceed through each section.
You can repeat the King’s Fall Raid as often as possible to earn more chances to acquire rolls on these items. Reviewing the first King’s Fall Raid from the first game is a good idea, but there have been several changes to these encounters for Destiny 2.
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Zack Palm
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