The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is undoubtedly one of the best open-world RPGs of all time with its intricate and beautifully crafted open-world and engaging gameplay. This RPG is immensely fun when players dedicate a lot of time to it. It can be made even more immersive and enjoyable with the help of console commands. These console commands can help you out a lot when you’re in a rut or want to liven up the experience. With that in mind, here are all the console commands for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Related: All alternative looks in The Witcher 3 – Ciri, Dandelion, Yen, and more
How to enable console commands in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
To use console commands in The Witcher 3, you will have to enable the console. Here is how to do that:
- Locate the general.ini file of the game
- The pathway should be Steam>steampps>common>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt>bin>config>general.ini. if you’re using Steam
- Open up the general.ini file with Notepad
- Type ”DBGConsoleOn=true” (without quotations) in a new line at the bottom of the file
- Save and close the file
- Launch the game
- Use ~ or F2 to open the console
The process is the same if you bought the game through GOG. Just go to the install folder and find general.ini.
Related: How to Get the Alternative Dandelion Appearance in Witcher 3 via The Escapist
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Console Commands List
Command | Function |
activateAllGlossaryBeastiary | Shows all beasts in Glossary. |
activateAllGlossaryCharacters | Shows all characters in Glossary. |
addabl(‘Buff ID‘) | Will buff a specific buff ID. See this list for details. |
addexp(amount) | Adds a specific amount of XP. |
addHair1 | Sets the default hairstyle. |
addHair2 | Sets the ponytail hairstyle. |
addHair3 | Sets the long and loose hairstyle. |
addHairDLC1 | Sets the loose and short hairstyle. |
addHairDLC2 | Sets the mohawk and ponytail hairstyle. |
addHairDLC3 | Sets the Elven Rebel hairstyle. |
appearance(‘Appearance ID’) | Changes appearance of specific targeted NPC |
addgwintcards | Adds one of each type of Gwent card. The Katakan Gwent card is an exception. It can be added by the command: gwint_card_katakan. |
additem(code,amount) | Adds specific items to your inventory. See this item list for details. |
addmoney(amount) | Adds a specific amount of money. |
addskillpoints(Amount) | Adds a specific amount of skill points. |
allkeys | Gives all keys required to open all doors. |
AllowFT(0/1) | Enables(1)/disables(0) the ability to fast travel. |
buffme(‘Effect Type ID’, Seconds) | Gives a specific effect for a specific time. See this list for details. |
cat(0/1) | Enables(1)/disables(0)the ability to see in the dark. |
changeweather(‘Weather ID’) | Changes weather. See this list for details. |
Ciri | Switches to Ciri. |
cleardevelop | Resets Geralt completely. |
dismember | Dismembers targeted NPC. |
dlgshow | Shows the HUD. |
dlghide | Hides the HUD. |
drunk(0/1) | Enables(1)/disables(0)drunk mode. |
fadein | Fades in the screen after it is faded out. |
fadeout | Fades out the screen. |
Geralt | Switches to Geralt. |
god | Toggles god mode that will make you invincible. |
gotoKaerMohren | Teleport to Kaer Morhen. |
gotoNovigrad | Teleport to Novigrad. |
gotoSkellige | Teleport to Skellige. |
gotoWyzima | Teleport to Wyzima. |
healme | Sets health to full. |
instantMount(‘NPC ID’) | Mounts character to specific NPC. See this list for details. |
killall(Distance) | Kills all enemies within a specific distance from your character. |
learnskill(skill ID) | Learn a specific skill. See this skill list for details. |
levelup | Level up one level. |
likeaboss | Damage dealt will be 40% of the enemy’s health level. Typing it again will turn it off. |
makeitrain | Start a storm or rain. |
removecustomhead | Removes head with specific head ID. |
removemoney(amount) | Removes a specific amount of money. |
removeitem(code) | Removes specific items from your inventory. See this item list for details. |
rmvabl | Remove the buff of the specific ID. |
secretgwint | Starts a Gwent game. |
setbeard(#, #) | Sets specific bear style. See this list for details. |
setcustomhead(‘Head ID’) | Sets the character’s head to a specific ID. See this list for details. |
settattoo(0 / 1) | Shows/hides Geralt’s neck tattoo. |
settime(Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds) | Sets to a specific time of the day. |
setlevel | Sets specific character level. |
shave | Shaves your beard. |
spawn(‘NPC ID’, Amount, Distance, true/false) | Spawns NPCs with specific IDs. See this list for details. |
spawnBoatAndMount | Spawns a boat and mounts you on it. |
SpawnHorse | Spawns horse. |
staminapony | Spawns horse with unlimited stamina. |
stoptrain | Stops a storm or rain. |
ShowAllFT(0 / 1) | Shows(1)/hides(0) all fast travel points on the map. |
ShowPins(0 / 1) | Shows(1)/hides(0) all pins on the map. |
ShowKnownPins(0/1) | Shows(1)/hides(0) all ‘?’ points on the map. |
testpause | Pauses the game. |
testpause | Unpauses the game. |
TM(Multiplier) | Multiplies the time. |
ToggleCameraAutoRotation | Enables/disables the auto-rotating camera following your character. |
witchcraft | Gives one of each item in the game. |
WitcherHairstyle(1 / 2 / 3) | Sets to specific hairstyles(1,2,3). Hairstyles should be in apostrophes. |
winGwint(true/false) | Instantly win or lose an ongoing Gwent match. |
xy(X, Y) | Travel to specific (x,y) coordinates. |
About the author

Samam Hasan
More Stories by Samam Hasan